

Pansuriyaimpex –

  • To continue expanding the international network through which Pansuriya Impex can be accessed by style-conscious people irrespective of where they stay.
  • We have more than 46 years of experience in the field of rough and polished diamonds. Since 1972 we are dealing in diamonds manufacturing, importing and exporting before the year 2000 we used to deal in our business at heart of diamond manufacturing city in India yes that is SURAT.
  • As since the year 2000 we have started our sales office in mumbai that has inspire us to put our steps in the globle market of diamonds
  • We are specialised to deal in diamonds of commercial range in various size, various colours& various Shapes. Pansuriya Impex believes in providing complete customer satisfaction through its superior service that will further its illustrious heritage of trust and tradition. Pansuriya Impex is committed to the welfare of its employees that are its greatest assets.